say somehow somewhere we ended up choosing a target to start wreaking havoc upon.
All we need is an IP Address. Theres plenty of
papers out there that go into how to obtain an IP
Address from the preferred mark of your choice.
So Im not going to go into that subject. Alright so
say we got the targets IP Address finally. What do we do with this IP Address. Well first ping the
IP Address to make sure that its alive. In
otherwords online. Now at the bottom of this
document ill include some links where you can
obtain some key tools that may help on your
journey through the electronic jungle. So we need to find places to get inside of the computer so we
can start trying to find a way to "h@ck" the box.
Port Scanners are used to identify the open ports
on a machine thats running on a network,
whether its a router, or a desktop computer, they
will all have ports. Protocols use these ports to communicate with other services and resources
on the network. 1) Blues Port Scanner - This program will scan the
IP address that you chose and identify open ports
that are on the target box. Example 1:
Idlescan using Zombie ( Class:
Interesting ports on
(The 65522 ports scanned but not shown below
are in state: closed) Port State Service
21/tcp open ftp
25/tcp open smtp
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open sunrpc
135/tcp open loc-srv 443/tcp open https 1027/tcp open IIS
1030/tcp open iad1
2306/tcp open unknown
5631/tcp open pcanywheredata
7937/tcp open unknown
7938/tcp open unknown 36890/tcp open unknown In example 1 now we see that there are a variety
of ports open on this box. Take note of all the
ports that you see listed before you. Most of them
will be paired up with the type of protocol that
uses that port (IE. 80-HTTP 25-SMTP Etc Etc...)
Simply take all that information and paste it into notepad or the editor of your choice. This is the
beginning of your targets record. So now we
know what ports are open. These are all
theoretical points of entry where we could wiggle
into the computer system. But we all know its not
that easy. Alright so we dont even know what type of software or what operating system that
this system is running.
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